I recently learned that 1 billion people around the world live in unsafe and inadequate housing. That’s 1 in 8 of us! People are living in houses made out of cardboard and pallets, with dirt floors and tarps for the roof. This year I have committed to changing that. I am asking you to help me change the world by donating to my 1MISSION campaign.
All of the money raised from my campaign goes to 1MISSION. 1MISSION is a community development organization giving people in poverty the opp0rtunityto earn a house by serving their community. 100% of the money will be used to fund projects and programs in the field. When you donate to my campaign, you will get to meet the family that your donation is going to! 1MISSION will send us photos and GPS coordinates one the house is built. Please join me! Consider what you can do to help families living in poverty throughout the world. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Click the button below to help 1Mission
As a realtor I love helping people find homes. When I can use my job to help people living in poverty get in a home, that’s even better! Did you know that 1.6 BILLION people around the world are living in unsafe and inadequate housing? I don’t know about you, but I want to change that! 100% of the money we raise during the campaign will be used for projects and programs in the field. Donate to my campaign, and let’s change the world together!