
The Advantages of Having a Home Warranty

  Why Worry About, “What if…”   Home warranties are policies designed to protect the buyer against repair costs of mechanical systems and major appliances. They consist of an application fee (sometimes offered by seller/or negotiated in contract) and a small deductible (paid by buyer) when a service call is completed. There are a variety […]

Getting Your House Ready to Sell in Glendale Arizona

Introduction – Emotion vs. Reason When conversing with real estate agents, you will often find that when they talk to you about buying real estate, they will refer to your purchase as a “home.” Yet if you are selling property, they will often refer to it as a “house.” There is a reason for this. […]

Benefits of Owning Your Own Home

The Best Investment As a fairly general rule, homes appreciate about five percent a year. Some years will be more, some less. The figure will vary from neighborhood to neighborhood, and region to region. Five percent may not seem like that much at first. Stocks (at times) appreciate much more, and you could earn over […]