A Guide to Help Make Your BIG Move Easier.
What to accomplish one month prior to your moving date:
Let everyone who’s anyone know that you’re moving. This entails sending out the “I’m Moving” notices. These cards should provide your new mailing address and contact information. Send these to friends, family, doctors, magazines subscriptions, insurance companies, banks, and credit card companies.
(Obtain the change of address forms from the post office and let them know your new location.)
Get Packing! This means boxing up the things you don’t use on a daily basis. Choose a moving company. Make certain that whomever you choose is licensed, bonded, and insured.
What to accomplish two weeks prior to your moving date:
Notify utility companies. It is best to have services at your new residence turned on the day before you are to move in and services at your old residence shut off the day after you move. This should eliminate the chances of any problems.
Remember to contact all utility companies:
• Phone Companies, both local and long distance
• Sanitation Company
• Water, Electric, and Gas
• Cable Company
What to accomplish one week prior to your moving date:
Finish Packing. Label each box with the contents and the room in which the items were taken from. This will alleviate much of the burden when you begin unpacking.
What to accomplish the day before your moving date:
• Obtain keys for your new residence.
• Confirm the move with real estate agents and the moving company.
• Do a final walk-thru, making sure you have not left anything behind.
• Get a Good night’s sleep, tomorrow is Your big day!